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Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year's Resolution: The Pinterest Challenge

New Year's defines it as "a goal you propose then forget the next day."  I have found this to be very true for myself over the years, the no fast food, a weekly work out routine, follow a strict budget, read the whole Bible, keep a clean house, organize my house/classroom/office/kitchen and keep it organized...and the list goes on.  This year that is going to change.  Of course this is not the first time I've said these infamous words, but really, it is going to change...because all of you are going to help hold me accountable!

So here are my three New Year's Resolution...

1. I am going to "Pin my way through 2012."--I am sure many of you have caught the Pinterest bug and if you are like most 'pinners' you pin many things, but rarely complete any of the projects/ideas!  I am going to complete at least one "pin" a week during 2012 and share it here with you.  This can be a craft, recipe, sewing project, cleaning or organization tip, lesson idea for the classroom, decor idea...anything that I've pinned on Pinterest.

2. Actually read the whole Bible

3. Follow a work out routine (hey I had to have one failed resolution or I would jinx the other 2...though maybe with resolution #1 I will be able to accomplish this)

Why the Pinterest Challenge?

2010 and 2011 were filled with many challenges in which I made some of the hardest decisions in my life.  2010 and 2011 also revealed to me those who I can truly count on...the ones that no matter what time of day I know I can call up and they will be there, but most importantly those who don't need a phone call from me to know that I need help or a girl's night.  Those who know me, know that I am very stubborn and determined to solve it all on my own.  God has shown me I'm stronger than I ever could have ever imagined and that this strength comes from the support of my family and friends. 

I will be ringing in the New Year with a dear friend from college, Laura, someone who truly knows my heart and was with me when my faith was at it's strongest.  I feel it so appropriate that I will be starting the new year and this new challenge with someone who I look to for strength. I learned a lot in 2011 and have no regrets, but am ready to say good-bye and good riddance to 2011.  I am looking forward to a new start in 2012 with my Pinterest Challenge in hopes that it will help transform me into a better person.

Besides, isn't that what New Year's is all about?

Here is to a blessed start to the new year for all of you and I will see you all back here the first week of January for the Pinterest Challenge!


Friday, December 23, 2011

I'm Back!--Felt Scarf link and tips!

Hello blogging blogging career seemed short lived, but I'm back!
I've had a few people ask about the felt scarf that I made this week so here is the tutorial and my tips!

I originally found the Felt Flower Scarf on pinterest and the tutorial can be found on this blog, Watch Me Daddy.  Her blog is fantastic with many other fun projects!

Here are my tips:

1. Cut your circles out on posterboard to use as a guide.  As she says in the blog it does not have to be exact as you will be scalloping the ends later. I found items around my house with different diameters, but here are the sizes:
5in, 4.5in, 4in, 3.5in, 3in, 2in--these are all approximates, as I just found items with diameters close to this.

2. After you cut out the long piece for the scarf, fold the remaining felt in half.  Now start your tracing bonanza (soon to followed by a cutting bonanza and a sewing bonanza).  Trace all the circles on the felt.  I was making 2 scarves so I traced all 13 of each circle, but if you are doing just one you only have to trace half, which will cut your cutting time in half.

3. Now secure each circle with a pin to avoid movement while cutting ALL those circles out.  I also kept them pinned until after I scalloped the ends of the circles.

Once you get a hang of the stiching for the flowers it goes quickly...I did it all with two very needy dogs that kept putting their noses in the way for attention.  A good movie playing is a must!!  I'll post pictures computer is not working with me!

Hope this is all helpful and thanks again to Watch Me Daddy for the tutorial!!